Half of the leaves have already fallen and the trees skeletons are starting to show. This time of year represents slowing down and phasing out of the fertile and abundant energy that spring and summer bring. For me, the end of fall marks the end of market season and the start of the holidays which can sometimes trigger a bit of burnout. A little extra boost of energy and guidance can go a long way in the off months — that is why I chose quartz as this month’s mineral monday pick. A mineral that is abundant on every continent and is likely that you’ve even picked up a piece in your yard or on a trail at some point in your lifetime.
Quartz works at a vibrational level, attuning itself to the needs of the user – absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy as necessary. Quartz crystals can be programmed to reflect the intentions that the person working with them has set, amplifying the potential for those intentions to manifest. Quartz is also a cleansing stone that works to remove impurities and psychic debris from the energy field that may permeate the human body and get in the way of achieving what you desire. Increasing concentration, it realigns and refocuses the mind, body, and spirit towards clear goals.
Quartz has a powerful ability of aligning and amplifying ones energy. This applies to ones thoughts and intentions if well focused. The points in quartz formations are known to radiate energy in that direction — making them a great tool for use in grids, energy work, and any practice that involves focusing energy towards a single source. It is great for raising the vibration of your other stones as well. I always keep selenite for clearing and quartz for amplifying near my other specimens. Quartz has powerful abilities to process and transform energy but can actually store a lot of the negative vibrations that have been worked through and captured in its structure. It is important to periodically cleanse and recharge your quartz. An easy way to do this is to run them under water or through smoke of incense, sage, or palo santo and ask the energy you no longer need to leave the stone. Then thank your crystal and set it to dry on a sunny windowsill or even outside for a little bit. Always remember to check in with your stones, if their energy feels low or you aren’t relating to them like you usually do, give them a little cleanse and charge and see if it makes a difference!! Developing a relationship with your specimens is important because they all behave a little different.
Quartz is a stone used by many cultures for centuries. Because of how abundant and easily accessible it is, I love how easily people seem to attune themselves with it. Everyone has seen quartz in the form of a crystal before and it is like there is a connection already there because of how much of it is beneath our feet in the earth’s surface. The energy is so versatile and multidimensional but always brings a sense of purity and patience. Some things that quartz can help you with are physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, consciousness expansion, sending or attracting love, opening and clearing of the chakras, communicating with ones guides and the higher realms, mediation and dreamwork, manifesting, grid work, I could go on. Quartz enhances all metaphysical activities because of its amplifying and aligning abilities. It brings harmony between the physical plane and the other planes to allow for you to access them and bring back the information you need.
When using quartz in a grid it is amplifying the intention that you have placed with it as well as amplifying the energy of the individual stones used within it. Quartz is eager to take your intentions and bring them to life. It is very important to maintain positivity and love with your thoughts because quartz will amplify it all. If you are working with quartz and are experiencing negative vibrations, it will do what it can to clear any negative vibrations that are stuck on you but not yours but sometimes the negative will persist and can be amplified. Quartz wants you to do the work and meet it halfway where you can be hopeful for the things you want and gentle with the things you do not. It is still important to greet the things that hurt us with love or they will stay hooked on your aura pulling you down. After all, it is love that powers this universe and all will and intention that is powered by love is prioritized. It is hard to achieve the things we want when we are down on ourselves and think we don’t deserve them. It is the magical energy of loving yourself, feeling worthy, and trusting the universe that brings big change and your wildest dreams.
Himalayan quartz forms high up in the Himalayan mountains which range from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, and Nepal over 1,500 miles. The pink hues come from iron deposits present while the quartz was forming and is truly a stunning color. Because of how high up and isolated they form, Himalayan quartz is always mined by hand and carefully transported over several days down the mountain and back to civilization. There is a divine energy that comes through and is very much like a spiritual guide — answering the questions you ask and attuning itself to provide the energy you need. These stones form slowly over thousands of years and are known to carry guidance from shamanic healers who have inhabited these remote regions for centuries. When most quartz are programmable, Himalayan quartz are teachers and provide clear connection to higher guidance. Their high vibration activates the third eye and crown chakras — stimulating psychic openness and allowing the lessons to come through on this plane. Manifesting abilities may become more fluid as you learn to trust your intuition and the guidance that these higher planes have for us. This energy is truly powerful and I felt it the second I laid eyes on this batch of stones that were carefully extracted from high up in the Himalayas in India by a group of three men. The stones were sent to a local collector and I got them from him. These specimens have only passed through three or four sets of hands before coming to yours. We aim to provide you with the clearest and most powerful crystal allies that our earth has to offer.
Colombian quartz is some of the clearest and high vibration in the world. We use a lot of it on our designs because I feel that the inherent qualities of quartz come through laser clear just as it looks. The are highly harmonizing and protect not only your best interests but the best interest of the world as a whole — helping you seek the higher good in all situations and decision making processes. A very unifying and powerful energy that I think everyone could benefit from. You can shop our colombian quartz designs here
key words: energizing | attuning | amplifying | clearing
when you might want some quartz handy:
when you need a boost of energy to your system and your chakras
when you want to tap in to your psychic nature and amplify metaphysical ability
if you are building a grid or an altar it helps amplify the energy of your intentions placed
this is an amazing starter crystal because its energy aligns with your own
to stimulate clearing and bring clarity to mind, body, and spirit
for physical injuries a quartz point directs high amounts of energy where it is faced and can be used to help in the healing process (not guaranteed but I have done it a lot)
I like to address my collection regularly and see if anything jumps out at me — if something does then I like to take a moment to think about its properties (often I refer to my crystal books or even a quick google is helpful). When I am able to resonate with the properties of a stone that has caught my attention, I am in tune with its energy and it is in tune with mine. This practice also helps you grow your working knowledge of the stones!! There is so much to it and it is easy to get overwhelmed. If you take it day by day, crystal by crystal, it comes to you.
Thank you for tuning in to Mineral Monday! If you have any preferences on stones I should write about next or any general blog content you would like to see reach out to hello@thecypruscabinet.com!!